
Developments for 'Golden Barrel' award-winner reporting system for MOL Group continues in 2022 Q3

Written by Grape Solutions PR | Sep 27, 2022 7:28:36 AM

MOL Group and Grape Solutions celebrate eight years of collaboration with RepSy (Reporting System), a cutting-edge decision support platform, developed exclusively for MOL to solve complex supply chain planning problems affecting the MOL Group's refineries and petrochemical plants. Developments started in 2014, and since then, with minor improvements, the architecture still fully satisfies the data processing and visual reporting needs of supply chain managers at MOL.

We're living in the age of constantly growing data, making it one of the most complex processes for enterprises to process and translate to a competitive edge. Optimizing supply chain planning is a major problem due to many variables and constraints; based on that, precise supply planning and optimization software that supports prompt business decisions is a need, especially for oil companies. Along with MOL Group analysts, RepSy was designed to ensure a fast and responsive custom-made system with dynamic report-building capabilities and state-of-the-art data visualization to support the supply chain and logistic departments' quick and in-depth decision-making processes.



The complex business intelligence (BI) solution serves all parties involved in raw material sourcing, transportation, processing, market supply and inventory management, shortening the time needed to make key decisions.

Tibor Volek, Head of Operational Planning Support of MOL Group Plc., who was involved in the development of the RepSy project in 2014 as project manager for MOL Group.



The on-premises system relies on a multi-level architecture; first, the software transforms input data arriving from AspenTech database, and then the translated information stored with in-memory tabular technology is visualized on a BI analytics platform. The desktop application, RepSy ensures analysts and modellers to examine multiple outputs concerning each other for better findings.


MOL has a long history of innovation in the oil segment as it has always been crucial for them to build meaningful relationships with colleagues and customers; we are incredibly proud to be a part of it. It shows the importance of the flagship project for us that the team working on RepSy maintenance and development queries has not changed since 2014. We are excited to continue collaborating with MOL to digitize their business processes in the future.

Szilárd Széll, CEO of Grape Solutions Plc.


The RepSy solution was also presented at the AspenTech Optimize conference in Boston in 2015, as a custom development based on AspenTech's successful AspenTech PIMS product delivered jointly by MOL and Grape Solutions. In the same year, MOL awarded the project one of its most prestigious honours, where it won the Golden Barrel award. To maintain the highest quality of data processing and dynamic reporting using RepSy, Grape Solutions is still in charge of making ongoing improvements to the system.

MOL Group:
MOL Group is a leading integrated Central Eastern European oil and gas corporation headquartered in Budapest, Hungary. It has operations in over 30 countries and employs 25,000 people worldwide. MOL’s exploration and production activities are supported by 80 years’ experience in the hydrocarbon field. Find out more about MOL Group here.

Grape Solutions:

Grape Solutions is one of Hungary's leading software development companies, which has implemented more than 100 successful enterprise projects in various industries since its launch in 2006. Over the past 15 years, it has worked with clients such as Wizz Air, Bayer, MOL, Rossmann, Magyar Posta and Unicef, and in 2021 it was named one of Europe's fastest-growing companies by Financial Times.